Tuesday, 15 October 2024


for child support parents

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Welcome to the Child Support Payers Alliance.

The Child Support Payers Alliance is a personal and financial support network for child support parents and other stakeholders. Our primary mission is to ensure the ongoing support of children in separation and includes providing support, information and services to our members. Our objectives are set out below.

The child support system is completely broken. Not only is it broken but it’s unfixable because because all the authorities are involved in what I term unlawful practices. The only way to fix it is to shut it down. Yes this is possible but it will take drastic measures to do so. What I say below is not legal advice and should not be construed in any way as legal advice. It is simply my opinion. When you read below you will see it is also not someting I should publish to the world at large. This is for child support parents only.

Lately I have noticed a rise in the ‘Sovereign Citizen’ movement. This, as I describe below, is (in my view) very dangerous and bound to fail. Under our Constitution everyone is sovereign. We simply elect, or acquiesce, to accept the laws that affect our fundamental rights. I’ll try to explain below.

The easiest way to shut this system down is to pay no tax because the two systems are intrinsically linked. Shutting it down is easier said than done but not impossible. It’s not a case that ‘the ATO is illegal” although you may have heard this nonsense. The “Australian Taxation Office” is just a term for a Public Service Agency consisting of the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners and their delegated employees, agents and servants. The ATO has no power because all taxation powers are vested in the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners. So it isn’t illegal – it just doesn’t have powers and can not be a party to a legal proceeding.

Why are these systems linked: To be a ‘Child Support Payer’ you have to be a “Resident of Australia for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936”. A Resident of Australia for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 is a taxpayer – it’s a legal status. Therefore if you are not a resident of Australia for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 you are not a taxpayer but more importantly you are not a Child Support Payer. The trick is how to not be a taxpayer but this is very possible. If you are interested in knowing more email me from the site. If you are a child support payer and you have at any time been prosecuted for “Fail to Lodge an Income Return” you should also email me. There is no such offence and the prosecution was maliscious.

RULE No. 1 – do not get a Digital ID. There is a history to observe here. Firstly in 1988 the Australia Card which was struck out in the High Court. Secondly the codified Tax File Number System in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 which grew into the defacto Australia Card. That is now on the verge of mostly being struck out including section 202(ga) [Child Support facilitation]. Hence the Digital ID – slave number.

I’m interested in holding public meetings across the country to explain in detail. That will help us obtain our objectives set out below.

Our primary objective is to deliver better outcomes to children and this requires changes so that child support becomes child focused rather than being social security focused as it is now. The term “Child Support” leads us to believe this scheme is underpinned morally and that its intention is to obligate parents to pay their legal and moral share of their children’s necessary costs. That simply isn’t true because the Primary Object of the Assessment Act which is the Constitutional underpinning of the Act and which is intended to do just that is deliberately unattainable.

Current policy and administration of the legislative scheme has let children down and many still live in poverty despite the onerous child support payments made by many payers. It isn’t intended to be fair and government policy is, and always has been, to over-assess, backdate and impose draconian penalties to subsidise the welfare system. That is to say the scheme is run partly to enforce a parent’s obligation to support their children, (with which we wholeheartedly agree) and partly as an extension of the income tax system to raise revenue. This has been done through unlawful conduct on the parts of both the Child Support Registrar and the Commissioner of Taxation. Our children and their primary carers have been the big losers.

That is supported by Government’s own findings.

More recently Total Child Support Debt has continued to increase as a consequence of a number of factors including …. increased liabilities.
Source: Australian Government Child Support Agency Facts & Figures 08-09.

Payers, generally, are maligned and branded as “deadbeats” despite many being over-assessed to a point where they are physically unable to pay and accrue debt along with substantial penalties. There is no argument whatsoever that part of these assessments is morally owed in support of children. In many cases however and although it still comes under the title “Child Support”, a large percentage is not part of a paying parent’s obligation because it goes to Consolidated (government) Revenue to subsidise welfare payments. This has led to widespread evasion because payers they simply can-not physically pay the over-assessments under the current assessment regime.

As a consequence, no one wins:

  • Not the supporting parents who receive little or nothing for their children except welfare payments.
  • Not the payer who physically can-not pay the over-assessed child support resulting in depressive mental illness leading to unemployment, accrual of higher child support debt with penalties and no superannuation for retirement.
  • Not the taxpayers, who pay higher taxes to cover the resultant tax evasion, additional welfare payments for both parents and the old age pensions of both parents.
  • Most certainly not the children who continue to live in poverty and endless conflict causing permanent psychological harm.

Government are 100% responsible.  However, we believe the solution is quite simple so please join and help us to support you and your children.

The indirect cost of the overassessment can’t be measured but employers bear much of the burden. Financial stress is the biggest single cause of depressive mental illness and that leads to low productivity, higher rates of workplace health and safety issues and many more social problems.
In addition we are concerned that much of the over-assessed liabilities currently be collected through garnishee notices are being done in a way to pass liability for repayment of this money onto the employers or banks collecting it. The purported garnishee notices have nothing on their face to evidence that they are issued by the Child Support Registrar. The Child Support Registrar has refused to place the words “Child Support Registrar” on the documents and they have no name or signature. In addition the Child Support Registrar has refused to verify if employers or banks are indemnified in the event that the money handed over was not owed.

For this reason, employers are strongly encouraged to join.

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